Monday, May 23, 2011

Soap Carvings

I chose a penguin 

this is dial soap for my carving

final penguin from dial soap

both carvings

the blue penguin was carved from irish spring soap

all the shavings

melted my blue penguin and the shavings

the result made this goop

i put my goop in the freezer 

after a few minutes in the freezer i shaped the goop into an
ice burg shape and put a wick in it

i turned the penguin into an ice burg candle

I turned my penguin into an ice burg because it directly relates to the cold weather and climate penguins exist in. The reason i put a wick into the ice burg was to create a sense of balance between opposites: The fire that burns the wick and the frozen ice burg soap carving.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 5: Make A Kit

For this one we had to make a kit that could be assembled in 10 - 15 minutes.

just starting

getting there

mast is up

my viking ship

all packaged up

Day 4: Souvenir

souvenir from PR trip (infinity symbol)

This was a souvenir we had to create based on past events and I chose my trip to Puerto Rico.

infinity symbol represents the friendships that were made stronger during this trip.
sea shells represent a tropical destination and beaches.
multi-color represents the vibrant culture of Puerto Rico.
surf wax represents the amazing waves we had the opportunity to ride.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 3: Container for 3 Nature Replicas

My box

We had to give our 3 objects identities and mine are as follows...

The cigarette is filled with a natural herb, found only in the
most remote area, and is said to be a cure-all.

The pinecone had fallen from a tree in the garden of Babylon
and is said, when placed in water in purifies it and makes it
safe for consumption. Perfect of the wandering traveler.

The wasp is on a unique and rare species. This wasp is said
to be able to communicate with the human world and speaks
every known language.

final set up

My box resembles a structure whose primary intent is to
keep something of great power contained because all
the items concealed are of epic proportion.

Day 2: Nature Walk (paper replicas)

3 items i found outside on a walk, and used to create paper replicas
Camel Cigarette

Wasp (from chase's room)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 1: Paper Cubes (no adhesives)

1st paper box

paper box (bomb cut out)

(shark mouth cut out)
whole box (made to be able to observe inside and outside)

2nd box (conceals and item)

old fighter jet concealed inside